Jason's Books & Coffee
New and used books, coffee and snacks, and a literary space.

The Peak of Summer (Reading)!

The warmth of summer opens all sorts of opportunities for outdoor recreation. It's easy to get too busy! Why not slow it down a bit and take a book outside?

July at the Bookstore

So, how about that lovely June heat wave? Good thing we have a giant plexiglass dome that traps heat with almost perfect efficiency. 😅 Here'

What's New in the Stacks

We've been busy book beavers lately — we took in more than 1,000 books in May thanks to the semi-retirement of a friend

Sick Day! :(

Cade and I have a regularly scheduled chemo day. However, our friend and colleague Brittany, who was going to cover the store on Tuesday, May

June: Updates & Closures

The summer months are upon us, and Jason's Books & Coffee is ready to be a part of your warm-weather enjoyment. Party at


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